Where You Stand Is Where You Sit

There is nothing more frustrating that when you are seated in a large crowd and someone seated in front of you stands up to get a better look. With your view now obstructed, the temptation is to stand up yourself. If the person is not directly in front of you, you may be content to stay seated. If everyone would stay seated then everyone would be able to see.

In life, your position on where your stand on an issue will depend upon where you sit. It is always useful to remind yourself that your particular position and biases will depend upon where you sit. More important is to be aware of how your actions may impact upon others.

I recall one time I had just completed re-sodding my lawn. After four very hot, dry days, the rain finally arrived. I was relieved and happy. My friend was very disappointed that the outdoor activities that she had planned with her daughter had to be cancelled. While talking to her on the phone, I tempered my enthusiasm for the rain with full knowledge and awareness that where you stand is where you sit.