

From time to time JAMAS holds seminars to “keep the cup empty” by exposure to a different martial art or to learn more about a specific subject.  JAMAS has also trained international fellows.  In fact, the JAMAS system is a hybrid of several martial arts with the complete wing chun at its core.  Past seminars have included Women’s Self-Defense, Yoga, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Shotokan Karate (including use of the cane)  and Thai Chi,  Upcoming seminars are being planned for Nutrition and Part 2 of Pressure Point Control Tactics.

Empty Your Cup

Zen and emptiness go hand in hand.  You cannot be receptive to new ideas or learn new knowledge if you are full of your own ideas. In the context of the martial arts, I have seen so many people who are very “full”.  Remarks such as “This style is the very best,” or “You just didn’t train hard enough,” are common place in the world of the martial arts.

Almost every book that I have read on Zen and almost everyone one who I have spoken to about Zen convey the story of the wise teacher and the eager student.  If you are familiar with this fable, please bear with me.  If you are not, you should find this story to be enlightening.  The story goes like this:

A prospective student goes to a Zen Master with the intention of wanting to become his student and to learn from the Master.  The individual approaches the Master by beginning to tell the Master how much knowledge he already knows.  The Master listens attentively.  The Master offers a cup of tea.   As the prospective student continues to ramble on, the Master pours the cup until it begins to over flow.  The Master continues pouring. 

All of a sudden, the prospective student yells “hey, you are pouring tea everywhere”.  The Master explains: “like this tea cup, you are so full that I cannot teach you anything. There is no room for new knowledge.  In order for me to begin, you must first empty your cup”.



Videos (coming soon)