Self Awareness

Have you ever been in a situation where someone is talking to another person so loudly that other people are also following the conversation? The person talking is usually not aware of this. I have seen this happen many times in very common places e.g. at the dinner table, on the bus, etc.

If the person suddenly recognizes that other people are “tuned in to the conversation” there is usually a moment of self-awareness followed by embarrassment. This is a good example of a lack of awareness of oneself. There are many other examples where people are unaware of their own being. It can easily be avoided by being tuned into your own environment and being conscious of your own actions

The Importance of Recovery

In our daily lives it is vital that we adequately recover our energy to avoid burn-out. Although easier said than practiced, all tasks in life should be approached with a positive attitude which requires a sufficient energy source. Pushing oneself without time to recover will lead to both mental and physical sickness.

While attending the 1997 Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) Kung Fu workshop in Ohio USA, I recall a seminar by Mickey Chan, a respected sifu and senior student of Moy Yat, a student and disciple of Yip Man.  In the context of the Kung Fu, Sifu Mickey stressed the importance of recovery. Once one finishes a “technique” one should recover the energy before proceeding with the next technique, rather than combining them in a continuous motion. This can be only a matter of milliseconds but still enough time to recover the energy.

Without going into too much detail, I would like to dedicate two lines of text and speak directly to those who study the Wing Chun Kung Fu.  Recovery is particularly evident in the sticky hands exercise referred to as chi-sau. Once a technique is executed in the chi sau, a split second is required before following up with another technique(s).

In today’s world most everyone is in a constant state of rushing. With your mind properly focussed and your body relaxed, imagine in our daily lives what ten minutes of “recovery” could do? Imagine what an hour could do?

The Role of the Ego

Your ego can interfere with a lot. So much has been written on the ego. Quite simply, don’t let your ego interfere with sharing your love and your knowledge. When you reach out and teach what you have learned, when you are not afraid of sharing your love, you become more self confident and more at peace with yourself.

When you are at peace with yourself, there is no need to talk about yourself or to brag and boast about your accomplishments in life – especially material gain. I have found that the most accomplished people are usually the most reserved and less likely to talk about themselves. There is no need to. This is especially important for the trained martial artist. As Germain Glidden has so eloquently stated “The older I grow, the more I listen to people who don’t say much”.

If someone is genuinely interested in your life and seeks your advice, by all means convey what you know. Try your best to allow the other person to talk, re-framing from jumping in and monopolizing the conversation. Assist and share wherever possible. Questions should be welcomed. Always be aware that you too are open to learning. Each and every one of us has something to offer

People’s Energy Fields

Everyone gives off energy. It is either positive or negative. I have never been able to actually see energy but I have learned to recognize it. It is an essential skill for a trained martial artist. Once this awareness is developed, you will always possess it. In many ways it is a curse. Many people emit negative energy. Whether it is in a relationship, a life-threatening situation or sitting around the boardroom table – we have all experienced this.

There is no magic in learning this skill. When you first meet someone, ask yourself the question: what energy vibe am I getting? Your first instinct is usually correct. Negative energy will always be near by. Learn to be aware of this fact.

Learn also to avoid having your energy drained away. A person with positive energy can also be someone who drains your energy. Regardless of good intentions, sometimes the chemistry is just not there.

The trick is to recognize those who emit positive energy which reinforces your own. Surround yourself with them. Enjoy your time rather than waste it. It is amazing how much happier your life can be.

Where You Stand Is Where You Sit

There is nothing more frustrating that when you are seated in a large crowd and someone seated in front of you stands up to get a better look. With your view now obstructed, the temptation is to stand up yourself. If the person is not directly in front of you, you may be content to stay seated. If everyone would stay seated then everyone would be able to see.

In life, your position on where your stand on an issue will depend upon where you sit. It is always useful to remind yourself that your particular position and biases will depend upon where you sit. More important is to be aware of how your actions may impact upon others.

I recall one time I had just completed re-sodding my lawn. After four very hot, dry days, the rain finally arrived. I was relieved and happy. My friend was very disappointed that the outdoor activities that she had planned with her daughter had to be cancelled. While talking to her on the phone, I tempered my enthusiasm for the rain with full knowledge and awareness that where you stand is where you sit.

Would You Pull Your Own String?

How many of you have ever been to an amusement park / fair ground where the carnies barked at you to get you to play their games?

Ms. Margaret Brown, my Grandmother, taught this important lesson to me. If you ever find yourself a bit down on how your own life is unfolding, remember to ask yourself if you would pull your own string?

Imagine you are at an amusement park / fair ground and you arrive at a carnival worker asking you to step up and pull a string to win a prize. Imagine that the strings represent the lives of all of those you know. You now have a chance to exchange your life with someone you know. Perhaps you are still single and wish you had a meaningful marriage and a family. Perhaps you are married and you wish you were single. Now is your chance to make the swap!

There is a catch. You know which string is your own. Armed with this knowledge, would you pull your own string? Probably yes. If so, stop sulking and get on with it. You have accepted yourself and have recognized that life is not always fair nor greener on the other side. Be grateful for what you have and find the positive in each day.

The Tiger and the Dragon

The Tiger is strong and quick.
He does not think, therefore cannot act.
The Tiger can only react and respond.
He is strong and fearless but cannot initiate action.

The Dragon is strong and full of wisdom.
He fears what his strength can do.
The Dragon always has the choice.
The Tiger never does.

You must find and learn the Dragon.

Having No Form

Like the figure skater or the jazz musician, it is the disciplined drills and constraints that eventually gives you the freedom.  Very Yin and Yang. Whether it is the free skate or improvising with the saxophone, one must first practice the figure eights or the music scales.  This concept directly applies to the martial arts.

Expression is not practiced through the practice of form, yet form is part of expression.  The greater is not found in the lesser but the lesser is found within the greater. Having “no form” then does not mean having no “form”.  Having “no form” evolves from having form.  “No form” is the higher individual expression.

Bruce Lee


Stay In Or Out? – Getting Bitter Or Better

I find that many people spend a lot of their time and energy complaining about their current situation in life. It may be that they find themselves in a job that they dislike or perhaps an unhappy marriage or relationship.

The answer for the “perpetual complainer” is found by asking oneself two simple questions. The first question is are you in or are you out? If you are “out”, then you must make the decision and then take the necessary steps to get out. If you decide to remain “in” then you have only two choices: get bitter or get better. Getting bitter will put you back to square one and you will have to re-evaluate you decision to stay. If you remain bitter you will feel tired, frustrated, and you will one of those persons emitting a negative energy field. You will not be happy. If you decide to stay, getting better is your only option.

The Mystery Solved: De-mystifying “The Black Belt” 

My first black belt left me with mixed euphoria.  I was happy and bummed out at the same time.  I suppose that is the ultimate of the yin and the yang?  What an achievement but what a feeling of emptiness.  How little I still knew.  How come I am not invincible?

Achieving the rank of “Shodan” – 1st degree black belt in Karate – was for me akin to graduating with my undergraduate degree (B.Sc. Hons.).  For many of those who are unable, for whatever reason, to attend university, there remains a mystique as to what the achievement really means.  Once a graduate, I was soon to realize that the degree was primarily a tool and a stepping stone.  To be fair, it has enhanced my quality of life – but it was not a panacea.  It was not until I acquired real-life work experience that I realized it is only what you make of it. One has to apply oneself.

I have the utmost respect for successful persons who have made it on their own.  Education is a path but it is only one path. I have yet to see one degree out perform another or an “educated” person excel over one who did not attend University.  You make of it what you will. To a large extent it all boils down to common sense and hard work.

When I returned to University to study for my Master’s of Arts Degree in Public Administration my consciousness was focussed upon the journey.  I relished each lecture, my marks greatly improved and I graduated enlightened and a different person.

I am goal oriented and I believe that we need goals in our life to remain motivated.  Your goal should not be a belt or a piece of paper but an awareness of how you will use your newfound knowledge to enhance your quality of life.  Do not set yourself up for a let down.  Get there but enjoy the ride.